Streamline Your Application: Documents Needed for Certified Humane Eggs

May 29, 2024

This article by HealthyFarm targets egg farmers seeking the Certified Humane® label, a symbol of ethical animal treatment. Certification benefits include demonstrating commitment to animal welfare, attracting consumers seeking humane products, and building trust. The article outlines the six-step application process, emphasizing the importance of complete documentation for the on-site inspection to accurately represent the farm's practices. HealthyFarm encourages farmers to explore certification and offers support throughout the process.

As a farmer dedicated to ethical animal care for laying hens, have you considered applying for the Certified Humane® label? This prestigious certification signifies your commitment to raising animals according to stricter welfare standards. It's not just a badge of honor – it's a gateway to a growing market of consumers seeking humanely raised meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products. This article gives you an overview of the application process and document requirements from Certified Humane, particularly for egg farms.

What is Certified Humane and why you should apply for it?

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The Certified Humane® label is a trusted symbol for consumers seeking meat, poultry, egg, and dairy products raised with ethical and humane practices. It was founded by Humane Farm Animal Care (HFAC), a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of farm animals raised for food.

Here's why a Certified Humane® application might be the perfect next step for your farm:

Read about Certified Humane Egg Laying Hens Standards here!

How to apply for Certified Humane?

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The Certified Humane® application process is designed to be thorough yet achievable. It involves six key steps:

  1. Contact HFAC and Review Materials: This initial step involves reaching out to Healthy Farm Animal Care (HFAC) and familiarizing yourself with the program's standards for your specific animal type.expand_more
  2. Submit Application: Once you've gathered the necessary information, you'll submit a formal application form.
  3. Initial Review: HFAC will meticulously review your application to ensure its completeness and adherence to its standards.
  4. On-Site Inspection: If your application passes the initial review, HFAC will schedule an on-site inspection to verify your farm's practices firsthand.
  5. Final Review: Following the inspection, HFAC will analyze the findings and conduct a final review of your application package.
  6. Certification: Based on the final review, HFAC will deliver their decision regarding your certification.exclamation If approved, you'll receive the Certified Humane® label, allowing you to proudly display it on your products and marketing materials.

Read the Certified Humane Program/Policy Manual here!

What documents does your farm need to prepare?

Download Certified Humane Compliance Requirements by HealthyFarm here!

During the on-site inspection for Certified Humane® certification, the meticulous documentation you provide becomes a vital bridge between your farm's daily practices and the inspector's assessment. While the inspector will observe your operations firsthand, your application documents serve as a comprehensive record that goes beyond the snapshot of the inspection day. Here is the list of documents for Certified Humane inspection HeathyFarm has collected:

Photo: A section of our Certified Humane Compliance Requirement available in English

Earning the Certified Humane® label signifies your farm's commitment to animal welfare and unlocks new market opportunities. This guide has empowered you to navigate the application process with confidence. Remember to checklist your documents following this ist to prepare enough documents when applying for Certified Humane certification.

The road to certification is achievable. Don't hesitate to take the first step!

If you are curious about the Certified Humane application, reach out to us at