Everything You Need to Know: Frequently Asked Questions About Humane Farming Practices

May 28, 2024

This blog post by HealthyFarm is aimed at Vietnamese egg producers who are considering switching to humane farming practices. The article defines humane farming as prioritizing animal welfare by giving hens more space to roam and opportunities to express natural behaviors. This stands in contrast to "normal" or conventional farming which prioritizes efficiency and production, often keeping hens in cramped cages. This article addresses the most frequently asked questions Vietnamese egg producers have regarding transitioning to humane farming practices. It clarifies the key differences between conventional caged systems and those prioritizing animal welfare, highlighting benefits like improved hen well-being and potentially higher quality eggs. The article acknowledges potential upfront costs but emphasizes the growing consumer demand for ethically sourced products and access to new markets like high-end restaurants and hotels. It concludes by offering support and resources to Vietnamese farmers interested in making the switch to humane egg production.

The demand for ethically sourced food is on the rise, and humane farming practices are at the forefront of this movement. For egg producers, this often means transitioning from caged systems to methods that prioritize animal welfare. At HealthyFarm, we've had the pleasure of collaborating with many farmers on this very journey. We understand that transitioning from caged systems can raise a lot of questions. This FAQ is designed to address the most common concerns farmers have expressed, providing clear answers based on our experience.  

  1. What is humane farming? What is the difference between humane farming and “normal” farming?

Humane farming emphasizes the welfare of animals raised for food. Animals have more space to move around, access to the outdoors whenever possible, and a chance to express natural behaviors. This reduces stress and promotes their overall well-being.

"Normal" farming, often called conventional farming, prioritizes efficiency and production. While basic needs may be met, animals are often housed in cramped spaces with limited outdoor access. This restricts natural behaviors and can lead to higher stress levels. Diets and living conditions are designed for maximum output, not animal well-being.

The key takeaway: Humane farming aims to give farm animals a better life, while conventional farming prioritizes production efficiency.

  1. What is Animal Welfare and why should I care?

Animal welfare refers to the physical and mental well-being of an animal. It considers factors like:

Why care about animal welfare? There are several reasons why animal welfare is important for farmers to consider:

Find more about laying hens' welfare here!

  1. What's the difference between humane eggs and normal eggs?

The main difference lies in the living conditions of the hens that lay the eggs.

Regarding quality, humane eggs are generally considered to be potentially higher quality due to several factors:

  1. Is humane farming more expensive? Will it increase our investment and decrease our profit?

While upfront costs for setting up a humane egg production system can be higher than caged farming, it can offer significant economic benefits in the long run. Here's how:

  1. Does humane farming require certification?

Not necessarily. "Humane farming" is a general term referring to practices that prioritize animal welfare. However, there are several well-respected humane certification programs available that establish specific standards for how animals are raised such as Certified Humane, Global Animal Partnership, etc.. While not mandatory, humane certification can offer several benefits, including:


In conclusion, switching to humane egg production offers a compelling opportunity for Vietnamese farmers. It allows you to align your practices with ethical consumer preferences, potentially improve egg quality, and tap into new markets seeking ethically sourced products. While there might be some upfront investment, the potential for higher profits and a growing demand for humane eggs can make the transition a strategic business decision.

Ready to make the switch to humane egg farming, or want to initiate steps in sustainable practices? Contact us at healthyfarmteam@evergreenlabs.org to learn more and access resources to support your journey.