Boosting Flock Health and Production: Key Learnings from HealthyFarm's Training Sessions

May 29, 2024

This article by HealthyFarm addresses common questions from humane egg farmers concerning egg quality. It focuses on natural methods to achieve desired characteristics: -Redder Yolks: Carotenoid-rich ingredients like marigolds or commercially available feed with specific carotenoid levels are recommended. Artificial coloring is discouraged. -Higher Omega-3 and DHA Content: Dietary modifications with flaxseed, fish oil supplements (approved for poultry), or algae oil are suggested. -Reduced Unpleasant Odor: Feed management to avoid ingredients like fish meal, clean nesting boxes, and proper egg collection/storage are emphasized. The article concludes by highlighting the importance of informed farmers and healthy hens for producing high-quality eggs. It encourages readers to explore their website or contact them for further resources.

Raising happy hens and producing high-quality eggs are top priorities for humane egg farmers. But even the most experienced farmers can encounter challenges. Through our "Humane Egg Market Development" project, we've conducted twelve technical training sessions for farmers. During these sessions, we identified several recurring questions related to egg production techniques. We believe many farmers share these concerns, so we've compiled this article to address them and provide informative answers.

  1. How to make egg yolks redder?

While some consumers associate redder yolks with higher quality, yolk color is primarily influenced by a hen's diet. Carotenoids, pigments naturally found in plants like corn and marigolds, are responsible for the yellow-orange color. Here are some dietary adjustments to promote richer yolk color:

Important Note: Artificially coloring yolks is not recommended in humane egg production.

  1. How can I increase the omega-3 and DHA content in my eggs?

Omega-3 and DHA fatty acids are the most important nutritional factors consumers care about. These essential nutrients are linked to a variety of health benefits, including improved heart health, brain function, and reduced inflammation. That’s why many farmers want to increase the omega-3 and DHA content in their eggs. These are ways to elevate the omega-3 and DHA content in your eggs naturally:

  1. How can I reduce the unpleasant smell associated with some eggs?

Sometimes, eggs can develop an unpleasant odor that can be off-putting to consumers. Several factors can cause this, but thankfully, there are steps you can take to minimize these odors and ensure your eggs arrive fresh and pleasant-smelling.

By addressing these common concerns, you can optimize your egg production and potentially elevate both quality and marketability. Remember, informed farmers and healthy hens lead to delicious, high-quality eggs consumers love. Explore our website or reach out to us via for further resources and support.