Animal Welfare Certifications: A Boost for Vietnamese Poultry Farmers

May 18, 2024

Vietnamese egg producers face a changing market. Consumers increasingly seek ethically raised hens, prompting the rise of animal welfare certifications like Certified Humane (CH), GAP, and FARMS. These programs offer a path toward improved animal welfare and potential benefits for farms. CH offers a single, comprehensive standard while GAP has tiers with increasing outdoor access requirements. FARMS provides guidelines for responsible farming. Certification allows farmers to tap into a growing market of ethically conscious consumers and stay competitive globally. Beyond ethics, research suggests cage-free hens with enrichments experience lower stress leading to reduced disease outbreaks and potentially improved egg quality. By embracing animal welfare certifications, Vietnamese egg producers can demonstrate responsibility, attract new customers, potentially improve their flock's performance, and secure a more sustainable future for their farms.

The Vietnamese egg industry is booming, but consumers are increasingly seeking eggs from ethically-raised hens. Here's where animal welfare certifications and standards such as Certified Humane, Global Animal Partnership (GAP), and Farm Animal Responsible Minimum Standards (FARMS) come in and these certifications offer a path towards improved animal welfare for your hens and can unlock significant benefits for your farm.

Understanding the Certifications

Here are the three most popular Certifications aimed at promoting humane farming practices

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Three Reasons Why Vietnamese Farmers Should Consider Animal Welfare Certifications

Reason 1. Meet Growing Consumer Demand and Increase Your Profits: Consumers are increasingly concerned about the ethical treatment of farm animals, and eggs are no exception. A study by HealthyFarm found that nearly half (43.7%) of respondents were willing to pay more for eggs with the same nutrition value if they were labeled as coming from humanely treated hens. This highlights a significant market opportunity for Vietnamese egg producers.

Traditional caged egg production, while offering a lower price point, doesn't cater to this growing segment of ethically conscious consumers. By obtaining an animal welfare certification, you can demonstrate your commitment to humane practices and unlock this new market.

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Reason 2. Stay Competitive in the Global Market and Secure New Opportunities: Major retailers and food companies are setting higher animal welfare standards for their egg suppliers such as Marriott International, and AccorHotels (Sofitel, Novotel). Certification ensures your farm stays ahead of the curve and opens doors to new markets.

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The reality: Without certification, you risk losing access to major buyers and potentially facing export restrictions in the future. Getting certified allows you to compete with international suppliers and potentially gain access to new markets that prioritize ethical production methods. This not only secures your current business but also positions you for future growth.

Reason 3. Potential for Improved Farm Performance (Beyond Ethics): While animal welfare is the focus, these practices can also benefit your farm in unexpected ways. Cage-free hens with access to enrichments tend to be healthier, with lower stress levels. This can lead to:

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Animal welfare certifications are not just about ethics, they're about the future of your business. By embracing these practices, you can demonstrate your commitment to responsible farming, attract new customers, potentially improve the overall performance of your flock, and secure a more sustainable future for your farm. So, take the first step towards a more ethical and successful future – explore these certifications and see how they can elevate your business.